Friday, April 16, 2010

My Lovely Daughter

On March 31st. my 23-year old daughter underwent surgery. She had a tumor on her pituitary gland--so it was BRAIN surgery! Extremely scary for us all! She had a top notch doctor at the Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston who is world-wide known for his work, we were truly blessed to have been so close by to have had him perform the surgery and remove the tumor. They actually removed it from her nose (I know, nasty) and plug up the spot that drilled with her belly button (because the belly button grows stems cell and will adhere to her nose in time so she won't get bleeding). It is very nasty and interesting at the same time!
We are so blessed she doing very well. She came home Easter Sunday, how about that!!!?? She was unable to dress for a while and so she popped by last night dressed up and allowed me to take some photos of her.

She is so brave, sassy, beautiful, has a wonderful sense of humor and is truly our female blessing! We have a son whom is our male blessing:)

We are thankful for all the prayers and positive thoughts that helped us get through this incredible ordeal and now it's a journey in the making of her healing up.....and us parents recovering from it all as well! It is shocking how a day can change your life...sometimes for the worse and other times for the very best. Count YOUR blessing and peace out. xsoxo ~Richelle~
We thank our good LORD in all of this--the power of prayer works!


  1. She is beautiful Richelle and I'm SO GLAD to hear she is doing well!!! I have been praying for her and you all! So glad to see this post!! :)

  2. Richelle, I'm so happy to see her looking so healthy!! Great pictures and I'm so thankful that she received the best in medical care. Mary

  3. So happy that all went and is well with your lovely daughter! We'll hold good thoughts for you all. :)

  4. Thank you all. She is doing wonderfully and we feel incredibly blessed for that! All of your good thoughts and prayers are so appreciated.
